


多年来,数据一直是它自己的货币. It is both the origin of today’s digital economy 和 a stalwart for – so-called – traditional industries whose existence 和 ambitions rest on the ability to harness data to underpin their future. 

无论你是一家提供云服务的科技公司, 软件即服务(SaaS), 或者一个在线平台, 您的成功将在很大程度上取决于数据中心的连接性. 金融服务业也是如此, 银行在哪里, 投资公司, 和 insurance companies require low-latency connections to 数据中心 to support real-time trading, 数据分析, 风险评估. 无论是医院, 诊所, 或者远程医疗提供商, the healthcare we rely on today is itself reliant on data center connectivity to store 和 transfer patient records, 的诊断图像, 远程医疗咨询. 在教育, institutes of learning need data center connectivity for e-learning platforms, 学生信息系统, 研究数据库.

不管是什么行业, data center connectivity is essential for any organization that needs to store, 过程, 高效、安全地传输数据. It can improve operational efficiency, support growth, 和 enhance the overall customer experience.


Data center connectivity is crucial in helping businesses scale by providing the necessary infrastructure to support growth 和 expansion. This is especially true of b和width-intensive workloads 和 latency-sensitive applications found in cloud computing, 存储复制, 数据备份和迁移, 内容分发, 灾难恢复365电竞足球. All face increasing dem和 for high-capacity connectivity between the organization itself 和 the data center.

具有可扩展的网络基础设施, 数据中心可以增长以适应不断增长的数据流量, 其他用户, 不断增长的工作量. 例如, network infrastructure can be enhanced to accommodate port density 和 modular design, 确保以易于管理的方式支持不断增长的需求. 此外, they can upgrade their data center connectivity to higher b和width options as needed, 确保数据能够快速有效地传输. This flexibility for expansion is especially important for data-intensive operations, 比如流媒体, 大数据分析, 以及基于云的服务.

Also important are redundancy 和 failover mechanisms to ensure uninterrupted service, which is essential for businesses to maintain their operations 和 customer satisfaction as they scale.

Data center connectivity supports business 可伸缩性 by providing the necessary infrastructure, 可靠性, 以及灵活性,以满足不断扩大的业务需求. 一个企业是否在增加它的客户群, 开拓新市场, 或者引入新的服务, robust 和 scalable data center connectivity is an essential component for business growth.


Data centers are often categorized into different tiers based on their infrastructure 和 capabilities. 四个主要的等级是第一级, 第二层, 第三层, 及第IV层, 每个提供不同级别的可用性和冗余. 

  • 第一层 数据中心 are suitable for small businesses, startups, or those with minimal IT infrastructure. This tier provides limited redundancy 和 availability, with an expected uptime of around 99.671% (28.8 hours of downtime per year), 和 offers a basic infrastructure for power 和 cooling.
  • 第二层 数据中心 are appropriate for small to medium-sized businesses such as small eCommerce startups. 这些提供了大约99的预期正常运行时间.749% (22 hours of downtime per year) 和 enhanced infrastructure for power 和 cooling.
  • 第三层 数据中心 are ideal for medium to large businesses, including many enterprise-level operations. 这一层提供了更高级别的冗余和可用性, 预计正常运行时间约为99.982% (1.每年6小时停机时间). 这些数据中心为电力和冷却提供了多条路径, 允许维护而不中断服务.
  • 第四层 数据中心 are designed for mission-critical operations 和 large enterprises (e.g. 大型金融机构, 云服务提供商, 以及医疗保健提供者),这需要最高水平的可用性. 这个级别提供了最高的冗余和可用性, 预计正常运行时间约为99.995% (less than an hour of downtime per year)—fully fault-tolerant infrastructure with multiple active power 和 cooling distribution paths.

在实践中, 数据中心层的选择应该与您的业务需求保持一致, 预算, 风险承受能力. It’s important to note that data center tier classification is one of many considerations. 地理位置等因素, 可伸缩性, 安全, 合规, 和 connectivity also play a significant role in selecting the right data center for a particular business. 


拥有20年的专业设计经验, 工程, 优化大规模光纤网络, growth-oriented businesses have long trusted FiberLight’s regional expertise 和 enjoy higher-touch, 个性化的客户管理和可靠的客户服务. 除了, 客户可以放心,FiberLight的新型光纤, 是最近三到四年建的, offers diversity from Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILEC) 和 cable companies or Multiple Systems Operators (MSOs) 和 Cable MSO providers on fully owned, 操作, 管理网络, 完全通过有机增长建立. FiberLight数据中心连接产品的优势包括:

  • 提高性能和规模 适用于带宽密集型应用,可有效使用10Gbps、100 gbps、400Gbps wave services 和 exp和able equipment to maximize b和width availability.
  • 更快的裤脚 – Choose the b和width to support your business now 和 into the future with easily scalable b和width options up to 10 Gbps. 
  • 增加可靠性 – Experience improved connections 和 service 可靠性 with routes that are designed to eliminate points of failure 和 sources of latency between your data center locations.
  • 交叉接驳节省开支 – Reduce the number of cross-connections required within the data center locations with larger 10Gbps, 100 gbps, 和400Gbps电路.
  • 高品质客户服务 -易于访问高层管理人员和现场bst365老牌体育, offering a more personalized experience for delivering ongoing account management 和 service maintenance.


为了保持竞争力,今天的企业必须是数字化企业. There’s an ongoing need for continuous b和width growth 和 predictable costs to scale for network operators, 数据中心, 云服务提供商, 内容传递网络.

Instead of bonding together multiple 1Gbps or 10Gbps circuits to accommodate escalating track growth, organizations can increase network efficiency while decreasing the cost with a higher capacity of 100 gbps 和400克bps wavelength connection. Whether you’re increasing workloads to a data center or migrating between two 数据中心, achieve your business goals faster with Data Center Interconnect from FiberLight.


  • 核心骨干以太网容量100 gbps及以上, 波长10G, 100G, 和400克, 和暗纤维365电竞足球.
  • Next Gen Equipment – Expansion capabilities to support any customer requirements
  • 定制-根据客户规格定制光纤路径 
  • 密度
    • 能够承受光照能力和暗纤维要求的股线 
    • 在主要地铁和路线上多达1,728股 
    • 主要地铁市场正在过度建设,以扩大密度
  • 多样性
    • 进入建筑的不同入口(如果有的话)
    • 通往数据中心的多条不同主干路径
  • 深度
    • 近90%的纤维是3.5’ deep underground vs just under the surface (micro-trenching) or aerial like ILECs 和 MSOs

Data center connectivity supports business 可伸缩性 by providing the necessary infrastructure, 可靠性, 以及灵活性,以满足不断扩大的业务需求. 一个企业是否在增加它的客户群, 开拓新市场, 或者引入新的服务, robust 和 scalable data center connectivity is an essential component for success.

了解更多关于FiberLight的数据中心连接365电竞足球 http://tyv5.sampledrops.com/fiber-services/data-center-interconnect/.